Apply to dual credit courses

The Spring 2025 dual credit registration portal is CLOSED.

Important dates and deadlines are listed on the Important Dates & Deadlines tab located on our website.

Important Information about DualEnroll

If you are a new dual credit student, you will need to create a DualEnroll account. Do Not create a new DualEnroll account if you:

  • created a previous DualEnroll account from a past semester
  • created a DualEnroll account with another college or university 

Contact our office if you have questions about your account status or account creation.

Account holds

If you have a balance on your account of $1000 or more, a "hold" will be placed on your account. Account holds prevent you from registering for additional semesters and/or requesting your transcript. You will still earn the credit for the completion of the course(s). Your bill will carry over to the next semester, and be assessed a 1% finance fee. Your account balance must be under $1000 prior to registering for additional courses. Please contact the dual credit office if you have any questions.


Find courses currently offered at your high school
Dual Credit students can access Meyer Library resources at a distance.
Making Higher Education Accessible
Students who qualify for free and reduced lunches are eligible for up to six credit hours of dual credit per semester, at no cost, through a special scholarship.