Columbia Area Career Center Dual Credit Courses

Columbia Area Career Center students, you can choose from 7 MSU Dual Credit courses offered at your high school.

AGB 144 Agricultural Economics

AGR 108 Topics in Agriculture

AGP 201/202 Floral Design I/II

AGP 103/104 Plant Science + Lab

ART 100 2D Design

ART 110 Introduction to New Media

ITC 205 Website Design and Development

MED 130 Media Professionalism

MKT 150 Marketing Fundamentals

Save money on tuition

Tuition cost comparison for 15 credit hours


MSU Dual Credit tuition


Average Missouri State tuition


Average private university tuition
Virutal tour

Time and Cost Savings

If you earn... you will have completed... compared to the same number of hours taken on campus, you will save... with the Missouri State Advantage Scholarship, your total savings will be...
9 credit hours 2/3 of a semester $1,683 +$1,000 = $2,683
15 credit hours 1 semester $2,805 +$1,000 = $3,805
21 credit hours 1.5 semesters $3,927 +$1,000 = $4,927

Free and reduced lunch scholarship

High school students who receive free and reduced lunches are eligible for a dual credit scholarship. Qualifying students can take up to six credit hours of dual credit per semester at no charge to them. There is no additional application for this scholarship. Parents or guardians will communicate with the Dual Credit office that their student receives free or reduced lunches within the normal registration process.

Study guides

Missouri State provides individualized study guides for each dual credit high school. Use these study guides and other library resources to help with any MSU dual credit course.